Best Things To Do In Vietnam
Best Things To Do In Vietnam

Best Things To Do In Vietnam

Most travellers love visiting Vietnam, and for good reasons. Leo from Local Removals London is always waxing lyrical about it. Besides the natural features, parks, and museums, the country also has a distinctive culture. The locals have a unique way of doing things like the floating and love markets, which will make your visit worthwhile. You can hire a motorbike and tour the villages alone or join a tour and ride the bikes with a guide or other tourists. You can also visit the rice farms or trek the mountains. Indeed, you will be spoilt for choice about what activity to start with. These are the six best things to do in Vietnam.

1.    Visit the Ho Chi Minh City Museum and learn about the country’s painful past
The Vietnam War, which greatly decimated the population, ended in 1975. Over 50% of the country’s population was born after the war ended. Even though the country picked up the pieces and moved on, they did not bury the history nor forget the sacrifices the people made during the war. The government has preserved this history in the city of Ho Chi Minh in the Ho Chi Minh Museum. The museum contains educational exhibitions and describes Vietnam’s painful history using memorabilia, artefacts, and photos. The story is told expertly without emphasizing the gory actions. The museum is housed inside the Gia Long Palace; the same place Ngo Dinh Diem ruled from in his last hours alive before he died in 1963 due to assassination. The War Remnants Museum has a more chilling account of the story. It showcases autobiographical narrations by war soldiers, pictures of shocking napalm ruins, a guillotine, and bomb pieces.

2.    Walk over the Golden Hands Bridge
Also known as the Giant Hands Bridge or The Golden Bridge, this is a one-of-a-kind bridge you should see when visiting Vietnam. You can even walk over the bridge that has a length of 150 meters and it’s held by two hands made of fiberglass and a strong steel frame. It’s located in the Da Nang Province. The government built the bridge to boost tourism in the area, which has proven to be a successful investment since images of this bridge attract a lot of attention on social media.

3.    Go to Cat Tien National Park and catch a glimpse of rare animals
If you enjoy watching wildlife in their natural habitat, you will enjoy visiting this park. It covers 720 sq km and consists of a lowland forest and botanical gardens, home to rare birds and animals you cannot find anywhere else in the world. Some of the rare birds you will see include orange-necked partridge, bar-bellied pittas, blue-rumped pittas and Asian barred owlet. You can also see endangered primates such as native pygmy lorsies, silvered langurs and golden-cheeked gibbons inside the Dao Tien Endagered Primate Species Center. The park has several rescue centers and sanctuaries that protect these animals from extinction.

4.    Explore the largest cave in the world in Phong Nha National Park
Located deep in a jungle in the Quang Binh Province, this cave is enormous and has a high roof. The area has many other deep caves. You can hire the necessary gear and guides and descend into the gigantic cave. If you are not keen on accessing the cave from above, you can also trek. Beautiful waterfalls are sprinkled throughout the jungle, and you will see and hear loud flying foxes and monkeys.

5.    Gaze at the Ban Gioc Waterfall
This waterfall is right at the China and Vietnam Border on the Quay Son River in the Trung Khanh District. Its huge size of 208 meters wide and 70 meters high is enough to awe anyone, and the way it flows is also quite breathtaking. If you enjoy hiking, you can walk up to the top of the fall and get a better view of the falls. Make sure you wear the correct walking gear. You will also love taking panoramic images of the waterfall if you are a photography enthusiast. After viewing this waterfall, you can also walk around the area and see other waterfalls, see local homes, and go into caves.

6.    Cruise down the Mekong Delta
This delta is usually a beehive of activities. The locals go to the delta to fish, sell products and sell farm produce. You will be amazed to see the floating market that is done on the river. The massive Mekong River joins the ocean through this delta. If you have a lot of time for a cruise, go for a 4-8 days cruise to Cambodia and if you have less time, do a boat tour from Ben Tre or Can Tho for several hours.

Final Thoughts
Vietnam is a favorite tourist destination for many travellers due to its dense jungles, unique wildlife, fascinating culture, and ancient towns. If you plan to travel the world, you should add this country to your must-visit places because your mind will be blown away by its beauty. Overall, you will have a fantastic experience here, meet new people and eat amazing food. Just remember to be careful when choosing the tour companies to collaborate with to avoid falling prey to scammers.